Qigong. It is an umbrella concept for many different practices. In this text you will learn about the actual history and purposes of practices, how to apply which practice at what stage and why.
At the core of the book is the cosmological reality of Daoism as experienced in the Zhong Wujigong system.
Qigong is nowadays perceived from many opiniated perspectives, but rarely you get a historical perspective.
In this textbook you will find access to many resources and you will find that the book remains in development, frequently adding new links and text pieces.
LWhenever new suitable videos are procuced on this topic, they will be added as extension of the content. As a result the primer will become more valuable over time as a resource while you paid for it only once!
Although we can consider qigong a scientific approach to life, its science is very different from the modern reductiv sciences. Its science is organic in nature and also should not be learned in a linear fashion as modern education uses. As a result it requires the development of artistic understanding of life, equating science with art. In theze rsources you will find appreciation for this but also how to apply it.
Over time many different forms of practice have been developed with as many different influences, often cultural. In this text you will find access to the 9 root practices underpinning every qigong method and helping you get your learning to the next level. Also you will find access to wekly and monthly classes to support you in this learning. .
LThe textbook also introduces you to the idea of record keping of your practices and your application. How do you set up your practice, where do you develop understanding of your actual level, bypassing your self overestimation, lack of modesty or opinionatedness. No that is not negative. Much of modern development is based on the idea that qigong is an easy access practice where you can achieve miracles for hardly any effort. This book shows you the other side of that view.
The modules are delivered in the form of dripped content, allowing you to digest what you learn as in a course, so you are never without content to give yourself food for thought.
We keep the materials needed simple and accesible, even though it is shown in its full seriousness. In the end you will need to decide on what level you like to practice, but nonetheless you need to understand the whole to appreciate what you can do. And that is what the primer is for!
The Qigong Primer does not hold back in its content. That means it doesn't simplify, make things more bautiful than it is, it doesn't make false promises, it just offers information and approaches to help you create a successful career as a qigong practitioner and to provide additional content and understanding in case you are a teacher.
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